Originally Posted by Val
It depends on what's being tested. It seems like you may be looking for a potential 2E diagnosis, which would include IQ testing. Do you have an idea about what kind of 2E your child has? Or would you need broad testing?

Yes we are looking for a 2E assessment. Specifically trying to figure out if he is having processing problems like his sister or general Anxiety/mental blocks. Psychologist told me we didn't need an IQ test, although I kind of wanted one.

Originally Posted by Val
Also, the school district should provide this service for free.
We are pursing this but it wouldn't happen until at least a month into the new school year. DS is 15 and I really wanted some answers before the start of the new semester. And I am not 100% sure I can convince the school to test. They think he is just being defiant and unorganized. I didn't get a lot of love out of this schools special ed program when my daughter had her IEP. But given the cost this is something I need to consider.

Originally Posted by Val
We live in the SF Bay area, and IQ testing cost only $550. We went to a highly recommended woman with a solo practice. I think the larger practices charge a lot more. You might want to look for someone who works alone.

Here's a list of people who do asssessments.
I would doubt practitioners in the SF Bay Area would be cheaper than here. Otherwise since we will be there in the end of July I might ask his/her name. Right now I'm going through the list from the psychologist.

Just looked at that list. Wish it was broken up in N. Cal vs. S. Cal. I am going to have to check each link. There doesn't seem to be any overlap with the list I already have. (Just figured out I'm being dumb I can use the are codes.)

Last edited by bluemagic; 06/18/14 01:30 PM.