Being a classroom teacher is definitely not a job I would want to do. I imagine it can be very difficult, esp. with all the behavior issues and special needs students seen in classrooms. I think some people are cut out for it and others aren't. The ones who aren't either quit, or stick around and do their job grudgingly.

My kids had some teachers who were paid around $75k (elementary teachers). I strongly believe that the only reason they are sticking around is because they will take a substantial pay cut at any other job, and lose their pensions. Meanwhile the district is talking about RAISING salaries even more, claiming that they need to compete with surrounding districts and if they don't, the good teachers will leave or it will be impossible to attract anyone good. I don't really think I buy this. Are teachers really in that short supply? I would rather have a teacher who is still enthusiastic with 2 years experience who has the most recent training in methods (maybe gifted education!), than someone who is burnt out with 20 years experience, and higher demands for pay.