It makes me cringe when someone says "careful, we have some of the best minds in this room, take good care of them". Seriously, is it OK to neglect a room full of "different than best" minds?
People have intrinsic value and a "special school" can be nice in that it recognizes the value and nurtures the students. Something ALL students deserve. And if you believe education is a fundamental human right, you can generalize to say that ALL humans deserve education. (placing a child in a classroom where they don't learn is NOT education).
My philosophical issue has always been, why am I advocating for my kids when so many others go without? In this country as well as many others? Some where children are not even having basic needs met and are dying. How is this fair? I've reconciled myself to knowing it's not fair. And we need to be sensitive to the needs of others and it is right to provide for all, but that doesn't mean that we should hold anybody back. Whether I eat my broccoli or not has no effect on whether a starving child has broccoli. In fact it might make it more likely since my eating it supports the broccoli market. Things are way more complex than they first appear.
Education isn't a basic human right, it IS, however, a basic human responsibility of a parent to educate their child and THAT is why you're advocating for your child. Unfortunately in the U.S. we all too often point fingers at other places than ourselves as parents when it comes to responsibility for our children.