I would just like to add that I think the "socialization" argument is WAY over-stated. I have heard kids need to take the bus "for socialization," have to go to pre-school (at age 2!!!??? Really???), "for socialization" have to go to daycare "for socialization" etc., etc. I stopped making any decisions on such nonsense. I personally agree that actual and quite good socialization can be learned in good family and going out and about with parents, playing at the playground, etc. Now maybe kids with social deficits and disorders need more specific therapy in this regard and need it earlier, etc. but, other than that, I think the whole "needs socialization!" is way over done... But that is just my opinion. It was the mantra around here, everyone - particularly SAHMs, running around putting 2 years olds in various daycares and "schools" for "socialization!" Apparently, someone somewhere said "OH your TWO YEAR OLD absolutely NEEDS to go to "school" - otherwise how will he learn "Socialization!" {It reminded of the scene in the movie "Idiotcracy" where everyone is running around feeding plants something like Gatorade and repeating the product commercial saying "Because It's what plants crave!" LOL} MANY whispered behind my back when I didn't go along with it.... They were also "concerned" that I wasn't putting DS on the school bus to got to school opting rather to drop him off ("but what about the socialization he will miss out on if he doesn't take the bus!!!") and not in drop-off daycares at gyms, etc. Honestly, I thought the mindset was a bit weird. I'm glad those days are over - my kids, for the record, seem fine smile

Last edited by Irena; 06/09/14 12:48 PM.