In the U.S. most states require English through year 12. All universities require passing a writing class, although many universities accept on of the AP English courses. In the U.S. to get a BA one must take a maximal set of breadth coursework.

IMO I think this is one of the good things about the U.S. system. Students don't have to know early as early what they want. I have seen many a student go to university only to change directions completely. Although it sure helps to know if you are going in a STEM direction or a art direction, or a language arts direction by the end of the sophomore year in H.S. But what courses one takes the last two years of H.S. can vary widely depending on what one intends to do after H.S. ie go to university to study STEM, go to art school, or a culinary arts program. One can't go wrong by taking the more advanced route.. one can always study advanced math & science, and history. Then study poly-sci at university. But it's hard to get into STEM programs if one hasn't taken advanced math & science in H.S.