My spatial skills are laughably bad. I could get lost in a cardboard box. I think it's at the level of an LD, though I just compensated all though school, somehow. Math was not a strength, but I did okay. I navigate by landmarks, which I remember well (again--compensatory) but I can't give directions to people, because it's like--oh, I see the BP gas station so now I turn. I can't even construct that in my head very well from memory. I can read and use a map just fine, but my ability to use a map of my home city and a map of a strange city are fairly similar. I have virtually no mental map of areas I should know, is what I'm saying, but I can USE one if given one.

I am wretchedly bad at chess.

I CAN put together Ikea furniture, but it's hard for me. I do MUCH better with directions that have words.