We tried it briefly-- WTM, I assume you're meaning? Or do you mean the harder-core Trivium?

It didn't work very well for DD because of her particular learning style and her asynchronous pattern.

Her writing skill set and fine-motor skills weren't up to some of the product-oriented work recommended (lapbooks, etc.) and she hated memorization. It also wasn't challenging enough to engage her well-- though experiences may vary.

We had a hard time with the level of the material in the planned "first pass" of WTM being too low-level to be engaging for DD at 4-6yo. It left us feeling like she wasn't really prepared to go to the second-level pass through (middle grades), because of her missing literacy skills, but on the other hand, her READING skills were so far beyond what the first pass required, as was her understanding of critical thinking. It just didn't fit, if that makes sense.

I don't know if I just couldn't figure out how to flex it all to MAKE it work for her, or what. I just know that trying the standard recommendations and following the WTM script sure didn't.

She needed more math earlier, and she needed higher level THINKING about what she was reading, basically.

We morphed our attempt at WTM into something more resembling a modified Charlotte Mason because that seemed to fit DD's needs and strengths better at the time. Unfortunately, we eventually abandoned that as well because she was widening the asynchronous gaps in her literacy skill set to a point that we found alarming in the extreme (at age 6, Shakespeare/Science/History/Social Studies/Brit Lit discussions were high school level and rising, and she was unwilling/unable to write even a couple of sentences without major tantrums).

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 06/08/14 10:55 AM.

Schr�dinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.