Originally Posted by seablue
On the giftedness side of things, the lawyer flat out said there is no school in the area to suit our DD.

It's likely there is no school that has something in place that fits your DD-- but it may be possible to find a school that's flexible enough to make the right accommodations through a combination of acceleration, differentiation, and/or special ed services. You'll know much more after the neuropsych eval.

Originally Posted by seablue
We need a gifted specialist to meet her needs. And we need a reading specialist to meet her needs. And we need an OT to meet her needs. For all our best intentions, patience, resourcefulness, and education, we are not the people to meet this child's educational needs.

I hear you. I couldn't do it either. (Please no flames from HSers. This is my estimate based on me and my kids.)

Originally Posted by seablue
The lawyer suggested the district ***might*** fund a specialist to work with our DD one-to-one for 1-3 hours after school for enrichment purposes. That sounds ideal to us. Has anyone had this actually materialize? Is it a fantasy? I'm skeptical...

Does not sound ideal to me. If they will pay someone, how about paying them to teach her (and any other equally gifted peers you/they know of) within school hours?

My kids would go crazy if they had ill-fitting school all day followed by the good stuff in the afternoon when they are tired, and no time off for play or other activities. YMMV.