My vacation was FANTASTIC!!!
Although very pricey - with the weak dollar anything in Europe is very expensive. Gas was almost $9 a gallon - imagine that!!!

I did get a huge break from all that schooling and unschooling / a huge benefit. I took my kids to some live plays in my native language and I was pleasantly surprised that both of them quite enjoyed it! Also, I was quite shocked by Ghosts's knowledge of some of the plays that we were able to see - I guess you never know what the school is going to teach them !!! Teenagers do not communicate very well!
Packing for some camping trips now! I love to travel.
On the side note - Ghost, in spite of being the best in his ALG II class last year got the lower note from behaviour. Do you know why? Because he had missed the last two weeks of school for family vacation. None of us cares, but it was a bizzare thing..
Happy travels...