bluemagic, I'm not in LA and I don't know anything personally about Bridges, so I can't help you there - but fwiw, the first thing I thought of when reading your post was how we found the school that truly helped our 2e ds - we learned about it, and about why it would fit our ds compared to other schools in our area - from ds' neuropsychologist. She sees a wide variety of students with a wide variety of challenges, and over the years she has become very familiar with the schools in the area from the experiences she hears about from her clients. Another useful source of information for us was the parent advocate in our area who works with families navigating the SPED system in our public school district - she had a lot of knowledge about the local public schools based on feedback she'd heard from the parents she works with.

Looking back over your posts, my guess is that there is one crucial piece of data in all of this that is missing for your ds - an accurate picture of what's really going on. It sounds like he would benefit from either a neuropsych or psychoeducational evaluation that looks at the full spectrum of what may be going on with him. I wouldn't rely on just sending him to a 2e school to solve the issues that he's experienced - if you send him there, or if you keep him where he is - the thing that is more important is really understanding as much as you can about the nature of his challenges. I'm wondering if you've ever suspected a language challenge? I'm wondering that based on his having an older sister with a diagnosed language disorder - it's possible that as a HG student he's been able to compensate in ways that make it difficult to see what's really going on.

I hope you are able to find out more info about this school, and also able to find some help for your ds too. FWIW, I'd be inclined to go ahead and contact the school and go in for a tour even if you don't have any reliable feedback on it yet. It's not going to hurt just to take a look - and that first tour may give you immediate info that it's *not* the right school - if that happens you can cross it off your list of things to think about. If you tour the school and like what you see, then you can keep looking for more input.

Best wishes,
