YAY! Congratulation s- I think you will both really love it! smile

unschooling works so well - because it will be led by him! This means you get "permission" to explore anything you ever wanted to do as well (hehe)

For maths we use www.dreambox.com - it's online and super fun. It also does unit pre tests and allows them to skip the stuff they already know. We have just started with LOF as well (as our bedtime story?? lol). It's a fun maths house here!

Don't buy anything that is a long-term expensive thing right now. Take some time to relax into being at home together, enjoying each others company. Do some outings, play outside, ride bikes and go for walks. Play lego and bake and just relax together. When he is ready for things he will ask and then you can help him find what he needs.

It's a joyful experience! smile

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)