The psychologist who administered DS's WISC said that the PRI is an area that tends to improve with age. I'm not sure what she is basing this off of, but she has 20+ years experience with gifted kids.

He was 6 1/2 when he took the WISC. Still scored "gifted" in PRI but the score was 10 points lower than verbal.

For what it's worth, when my DS took his private school entrance exam (before K) they said he scored in the 4th percentile for comprehension. I think they were standing at the ready to accommodate a learning disability.

Every subsequent test- WISC, Gates, Iowa, and WJ has measured his comprehension between the 95th and 99th percentile.

My point is that if your child experiences any anxiety, has a tester who doesn't know their stuff, or has never taken any kind of test before, it can seriously affect the score.