We did not qualify for an IEP as our ds does not have academic issues. He is entitled to a 504 but no one seems to have any idea of what to put in the 504. The OT states he doesn't need any other help, so the school has never implemented any strategy suggested by the PT or developmental psych.

I asked a friend in special Ed and she said there aren't any autism or special social play groups in our area. I doubt our school has an social skills training they apparently aren't very adept at doing any type of extra help unless it deals with academics. I'm looking to see if I can connect with a homeschool group that we might be able to socialize with. If you run across any free downloadable stories I can use let me know.

I sent the school counselor a long email asking about social skills training and observing what is happening in the class. I have a very strong suspicion that the class is at times very unstructured and that ds is allowed to get into mischief when he completed his work. They need to give him concrete rules to follow, and extra activities to keep him busy. There would be less social problems if they just would give him some extra work or something constructive to do.