Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
I'd guide on their interests. Mainstream threaded academics would be the last thing I'd do for a learning discouraged kid. If something piques their passion and interest then run with it, one can be deep and intellectually engaged in photography or almost anythng.
Agreed. Kids need to develop hobbies and interests which they can return to over the course of their lives for comfort and stress management/relief. Swimming and photo lessons sound like great summer plans for a 9-year-old to suggest.

Math and reading are encountered everywhere. A parent could begin locating books with swimming and/or photography in the theme, as possible summer reading material to offer in support of their child's expressed interests.

Meaningful photography lessons for a gifted child may go well beyond the typical children's introductory class. If sufficient depth and detail may be found in an adult class at a camera shop or community college, the parent may need to sign up as well and accompany the child. Even if not a shared interest, the time spent together in support of a child's fledgling hobby can be highly rewarding.