My DS8 is also a chatty kid. From the moment he could talk he has been asking questions. First it started with "Why?" every 10 seconds. Now it is "What are the 6 flavors of quarks?" (He knows the answer he just wants to quiz everyone all of the time) or "Will you edit my newspaper article I wrote?" or "Can you take me to the store to buy materials to build my latest invention?"

He also talks to himself. And before he had a brother to talk to, he talked to imaginary friends. 

The constant intensity is truly a challenge to deal with. Sometimes I just want to scream (and sometimes I actually do!) I feel guilty asking him to stop talking and asking questions because I love that he has such passion for learning and exploring. I don't want to stifle his mind but I do need a break now and then. I am an introvert to make matters worse.

We have tried to let him run around outside to burn off energy but it doesn't work for him. Sometimes it does just the opposite. I am also guilty of letting the TV occupy his mind for a while so I can get things done in peace. Making sure that he is getting intense cognitive stimulation is a requirement around here. If his brain is being challenged he generally behaves better and is less of a handful.