Originally Posted by geofizz
Originally Posted by seablue
geofizz - I want to have DD tested for dyslexia. The only reason we think she may not have it is her command of language is exceptional.

Dyslexia is marked by a discrepancy between a child's language abilities (marked by vebal iq) and the phonological aspects of reading, as tested by dibels. Some schools won't acknowledge dyslexia (or reading disorder) if the scores are in the average range, but most private neurospych exams would diagnose it once the scores are more than 20-25 points apart.

This could perfectly describe DD7. This is exactly why I posted here - I need to know what to go to the ped for and what to go to the district for, testing-wise. I typically pad my verbal requests with peer-reviewed journals when I'm requesting a diagnosis. Thank you for your insights!

Last edited by seablue; 04/19/14 08:08 AM. Reason: word omission