Originally Posted by KTPie
This is such wonderful information. Thank you all.

I have also heard that you should not show "too much" in your portfolio. Does anyone keep one portfolio for themselves and then pull pieces from that to show the school officials? I certainly don't want to set myself up for anything but I also would like to save a lot for my own sanity, especially the first year, so that I feel like I'm doing it correctly. If that makes any sense at all!

That is exactly what I was trying to convey! The state never saw my portfolio, just my hand picked evaluator looked at it. But they could have asked for it up to so many years after. So I did want to be able to prove that yes he did make progress yearly while we homeschooled. But once he was back in school and passing each grade easily I worried less and less about what I had kept as records.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary