Originally Posted by Mana
Here is a resource site for a typical 1st grade reading curriculum:


Note that even at the end of the school year, they are still reading beginning chapter books like Frog and Toad All Year and Poppleton. Do you know who his 1st grade teacher is going to be? Can you go knock on his/her door?

I don't know (maybe I don't even want to know!) the first grade curriculum here. I would say at least to books 10-12 they are expected to read by the end of Kindergarten here.

I do think it's a good idea to find out ahead of time the levels of books starting and progressing through first grade. There may be overlap in the beginning of the school year with Kindergarten. And I hate playing "catch up", as I feel we've been doing. I'd rather use afterschool to get ahead some or do enrichment in fun activities instead of using it to get to current standards. I don't know about teachers ahead of time. The school has >1,000 students, so I imagine at least 7-8 1st grade teachers. I think they follow similar curriculums though with most things so I could probably find out some general ideas for the year ahead.

Last edited by Displaced; 04/11/14 06:17 AM.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.