Sweetpeas - thankyou. That is sweet.

I just spoke with a dad in my neighborhood who homeschools. He asked me the same thing! I've met a few people, but I think that this family look like the ones who are most our style and they live just blocks away. He said we should sit down sometime and he wants to tell us about the homeschool groups around.
Some days, like today, I wish my son was in an appropriate school setting and it all wasn't onmy shoulders. Other days I feel sure about what we are doing and very empowered! Those are the days that I think the school did us a favor by being so awful. If it was just mediocre I absolutely would have kept sending him. Also, they set the bar so low, it is easy for me to be more successful at home. If I read too much from people who seem to have more resources amd more suvcessful placements ffor their kids I start to feel anxious.
I should get offline now! Heh
Maybe we will run into each other someday.