HK, your DD, sounds like one of mine. a swat on the diaper (2yrs) was the only thing she responded to at all. If you put her in timeout with nothing around her, she would play itsy bitsy spider and thoroughly entertain herself. I started just counting to 2 because I started at 5 and she without fail waited for 4. so I changed strategies. Now all I have to do is hold one finger up and whatever it is is over. She is 8 and a very good child with a lot of spunk but geared toward the right things. she will follow rules but will tell anyone if she thinks a rule is silly. She is, I think, a good balance of respectful yet definitely not a conformist. I pick my battles but if it is a battle that I deem worthy, I am consistent and I am the parent. Respecting others are truthfulness are the top priorities.