We have tried doing some social skills classes in the summer, but have limited options just due to where we live. It's something we are trying to do when possible. He knows what to do, but needs more confidence to actually do it. We tried a wonderful program last year where they play act common recess situations and practice good responses. It's something we can only get to a few times a year, though, and that's a shame.

That's a good idea. We will definitely check back next week. I checked on DS at lunchtime today (which I can't usually do due to work obligations) and it sounds like they have a substitute who is being very strict about behavior. He's sad because he clipped down for not paying attention (his regular teacher lets him read when they are doing things he already knows, so it's always harder with a sub because he's used to that). As long as he is sitting quietly and not being disruptive, it seems harsh to penalize him for not concentrating enough on things he knows how to do.

We could move him to the same school as my daughter, where kids work at their own pace, but have wanted to keep him at this school because his best friends are there.

Last edited by apm221; 03/25/14 11:07 AM.