Originally Posted by binip
"The "we are best friends" today followed by "I am best friends with this kid today so I won't play with you" tomorrow."

I thought only girls did that! I have never seen the boys do it. I feel for you because that is just the worst social environment for kids and I don't know where it comes from.

I thought it was a cliquish girl thing, too, but oddly enough my daughter (the socially inept one) has never had this problem, but my son (4, and very social) has told me several times that the other 4- and 5-year-old boys he's best friends with at preschool have told him this. (Nonsense of this nature coming from the other boys is one of the top reasons I want him in a different school next year, away from these other boys.)

Last edited by Aufilia; 03/19/14 08:39 PM.