School stress causing illness?

Has anyone ever dealt with a child being plagued by illnesses that only happen at school? Can the boredom at school cause physical illness? 

I seem to be dealing with this issue of headaches, tiredness, stomachaches. The teacher seems concerned about it. I'm not sure if it is stress and anxiety manifesting itself or a real illness. I just had his eyes checked and the doctor says all the tests say he is a-ok. 

My gut says it is caused by his emotional state. He is better at home and doesn't complain about these ailments at home. I'm afraid he is truly suffering from not having a learning environment at school. I can't homeschool him the rest of the schoolyear even though he begs to do that on a weekly basis. He frequently asks why he is forced to waste his energy on things he already knows. It has been a difficult year, so I just wonder if this is starting to affect him in other ways.

I'd love to hear if anyone else has encountered something like this and how it was addressed. 

Mom to DS9 and DD6