So I do think that this is partly to blame on how schools think that all children MUST learn mathematics. We should have intervened when they forced her to spend 3 y 'learning' stuff that she knew before she was even four years old. She was at one time like Marnie's DS.
Yes, this. I have a nine-year-old daughter in the same position. She and her older brother (11) have suffered significantly under a math teacher who ranks as bad among bad teachers. I'll be spending time this summer fixing what she's done to them.

Jonah, have you ever seen Hung-Hsi Wu's stuff on the Common Core? He's an emeritus professor of mathematics from UC Berkeley who was an author of the standards. He went beyond the call of duty in that regard and has created a lot of materials for teaching mathematics. IMO, his stuff is very well-suited to gifted kids. IMO, there's also a need to create learning materials based on it (the large textbook manufacturers seem to be failing in that regard).
Here are some links that may interest you and others here:
Teaching fractions according to the Common Core standards Teaching Geometry according to the Common Core standards Article about the philosophy behind the Common Core More stuff here