Liberty, it's possible for people to be "gifted" in one area and not in another, and it's also possible for highly gifted students to have learning disabilities (I have two of those "twice exceptional" kids. You mentioned your dd is being tutored in reading in order to stay at grade level - you might want to consider further testing either through the school district or via private neuropsych eval to determine why your dd is struggling with reading - it's quite possible she's not "looking" gifted because she's got a learning disability - the catch with LDs and gifted kids is they also don't really "look" LD because they are able to compensate due to their other areas of strength. I've also seen with my own 2e kids that giving them the appropriate level of intellectual challenge while working on remediating the "e" at the same time was the thing that worked best to keep them progressing in their area of challenge. Take my advice with a grain of salt though - I'm not a professional or an expert

Best wishes,