My DS was the same way at that age. And I'm sorry to say that in first grade he can still be like that but it's a lot better. At age 3-4 I had him enrolled in a preschool class where parent involvement was required. So 1 day per week parents had to accompany the child and participate in learning activities with them. DS wanted none of that and would actually run out of the room with me trying to chase him. I think he felt very threatened by questions and became passive-aggressive. Not just with me, but with others as well. He wasn't cooperative with his speech therapist either and would giggle in response to questions, make animal noises, etc. At one point she just wanted to give up but we decided that rather than one-on-one he should go in a speech "class". For DS, the peer pressure did the trick. Other kids were compliant, and so DS was too. Even to this day, he does much better in school in a group than anything one on one (with me OR with therapists, professionals, etc). But even in the group, he still didn't want to be "called on" or put on the spot and will say "I don't know" or act like he doesn't care. But he has gotten much better over time, esp. in the last year.
Don't know if any of that applies to your situation, but thought I'd put it out there. I think some of it has to do with not wanting to do things wrong or get things wrong, so the child decides not to try at all or cooperate at all.