All this said, I certainly wish I had been able to observe because I would love to know why my DD bombed one subtest out of 4. (The RIAS is short.) Her MG score would have been rather different if she hadn't done that. However, I think there are extremely good reasons not to allow parents in, so on balance I think the policy is correct. A GOOD psych (not the one we had) would be able to provide good notes on what might have happened. I have no idea. Ours just says "DD appears to have average skills in this area" whch does not in any way match up with what we see.
I'm really a bit nervous about DS5's coming test, because he has a tendency to blurt out wrong answers within .0001 microseconds. If I just say, "Hold on--think again" he'll go, "Oh, wait. No! It's ____." This happens most with hard questions. (DD will use another strategy--"I don't know.") Will a good psych ever do this or allow this? Any suggestions on how to handle that problem?