Started a new coffee shop, because we can.

What I am thinking is what motivates some gifted people, like Paul Allen and Bill Gates, and what makes them underachievers, as we all hear about -- hence obsessing about schooling here.

What makes them motivated.

I started working again a few months ago and thought I would do this flexible gig, decent money, work from home, pick up DD from preschool and sit on the parents' committee.

I went to a trade show a week ago, mostly to pick up freebies -- toys as promised -- for DD. See this company, not sure what made me stop and start talking. Bottom line, I said I would work for stock, they have very little money. But now I am getting excited and starting the plan.

I got that motivation. Yes, it would be nice to make a kazillion dollars, but it is the puzzle, the implementation that turns on inside, like a new toy. How do you teach that?

And maybe it is specific to personality. But I already see in DD that putting together the pieces, the analyst in her. Just like last week we were coming through the Lincoln Tunnel and she says, (about on-coming traffic) they are going to New Jersey. These cars have already spent time in New Jersey. We are now going to New York. Not something you expect a 3 year old to think about.

But I see her trying to figure out the globe and how it fits together, what are countries, states etc.

Now DH is a risk adverse physician. He can figure things out but it is a different gathering of knowledge. And the path of medical school gets you a job works for his personlity. Creating the job is not his strong suit.

Anyway, just thinking on paper. About that motivational spark. What drives it, how do you foster it.

Have a good day. Have moved myself to the beach and DD gets tennis and swim camp this summer while I ponder my strategy for my little company.
