blackcat-- really sorry that anyone feels the need to "police" something that is really just between your DD and your family physician. {sigh}

We've SO btdt ourselves-- there are times when my DD is simply NOT comfortable eating-- not even her own food. That's her prerogative, and she had that right even at 5 or 6yo.

Yes, she's thin. We know when it's "concerning" and when it isn't. Frankly, this is what a normal body type looks like, I sometimes want to say to others who are trying to force feed her. (Clearly that kind of rhetoric isn't helpful either, of course.)

I don't know what to say about the meds-- other than that a good many parents I've known report that their kids feel some degree of flattened affect while medicated. That alone seems like it could account for more positive affect and more volatility.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.