Can someone explain the format of EPGY better? I've seen mention of "races" and lectures in it. How do those work? Are there other types of practice?

DS5 was doing dreambox a year ago, but sort of hit a wall with a concept that he couldn't quite get and the program wouldn't progress him past that point. It was like all of the game choices available were related to this one thing (I don't remember.). And then he refused to play, so I canceled. He's not too big on formal instruction and I've let him play Times Attack (the addition one) and a kind of Fruit Ninja game on the kindle.

He's kind of a mull-it-over kid and isn't good at/interested in math fact memorization. So he's kind of understanding the concepts of addition/subtraction/multiplication/division, but not that interested in practicing it over and over because "he already knows it" even though he doesn't know the facts cold. Does that make sense?

I would love to find something where he could get into some of the more complex ideas of math, which might help him see the importance of the math facts. It seems that so much of the elementary math is just learning variations of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, and if you can get past that, things are more interesting...