Originally Posted by mykids
Dreambox falls apart around grade 2.

Interesting. DD tested out of most of K and 1st during the first few days then when she hit some walls doing second grade work, it wasn't fun for her anymore. She found it too frustrating yet she got the concepts offscreen with manipulatives without any problems.

Since then, I've gotten her a 100 board, unifix cubes with trains, and a set of place value blocks, and fraction wooden blocks. She spends about an hour a day, a few times a week experimenting with patterns (multiplication, fractions, divisions, etc) and whatever else she's doing. I don't know if & when I should start more structured math instruction with her using a curriculum but for now, she seems to be having fun discovering on her own. I might add a few more Montessori style materials if budget allows. I also think she'd enjoy Hand-On-Equations but we'll wait until she is older. I really am trying not to be the tiger mom because I'm tempted to find out how far her math talent runs.