I have another question related to this topic:

Tonight I was talking with a friend about my concern that DS has a rather high opinion of himself. I don't want him to be ashamed of being smart, but I don't want him to be rude, either. My friend advised me to talk to him and tell him that it is rude to talk about being smart. She says I will be doing him a favor, that it will help him be well-liked. I see her point, and in some ways I agree with her. But I am afraid that the nuances of this may be lost on a five year old. I don't want him to hide his intelligence so as not to be rude. But I don't want him to be too braggy, either. It seems like a delicate balance and I'm not sure how to communicate that to him.

He has really begun to notice just how far ahead of the others he is. I want him to feel proud of his accomplishments but also to have a realistic self concept. I don't really want him to define himself as "smarter than everyone else" because ultimately he will discover that isn't the case.

Any advice on how to find a balance with this issue would be welcome smile