@expat mama - they don't have gt K but do have gt in 1st grade.

One, I don't think they understand ds. If they understood personality issues, intensity issues, frustration issues over perfectionism, etc. they would be able to manage behaviors better.

Second, ds is bored. While some students benefit from pull out sessions because their reading is behind, he would benefit because his reading is advanced. His spelling is advanced. Instead of coloring sight word books, let him read something appropriate of his choosing. He wants to learn to type and he seems to enjoy the challenge of spelling more difficult words by typing over writing (or dry erase vs. pencil and paper). He still needs to learn to write correctly though, so I understand the hand writing. I also think he has a better grasp on mathmatics than they think.

I remember in college algebra being able to figure out word problems in my head. I couldn't explain how, i just did it. ( Of course i got zero credit) Our ds is somewhat like that. He can show you an angle or use the word hypothesis and do a five year old experiment based on his limited reasoning, but he cant always tell you what those words mean. He told me one day that five, plus five, plus five, plus five is twenty but I don't think he understands what he is doing. He doesn't know what a minus sign is yet. Sorry I'm rambling...I just feel powerless in this. He's more than his disabilities and I just want them to see that.