Originally Posted by NCPMom
At 10, my son has big dreams - he wants to be a professional soccer player, playing in the Premier League in England wink He does know that probably won't happen (he's a great player, plays up a year, with kids who are now turning 12, so we can dream). wink Yesterday we were talking about how his soccer coach is already talking about getting the kids seen by college recruiters, and how it's pretty clear that some of the parents are, indeed, hoping their sons will get soccer scholarships. Yikes - so young! My son said that if his soccer career doesn't work out, he'd like to be a teacher - something he's never mentioned before. I asked why ? He said that when he's finished with his math in 5th grade, he helps the other kids out, explaining stuff to them - and he really enjoys that !
smile (I should also mention that he does go to 6th grade in Middle school for math, so I don't have a problem with him spending time helping in 5th grade). I realise that he will change his mind many many times over what he wants to be, but I do like that he thinks being a teacher is cool smile Much better than the politician that his teacher suggested he might be last time we spoke ! wink

Oh, I wish our sons could meet one another! My son also wants to be a pro footballer and play for his favorite EPL team. Or else be a pro tennis player- right now he is still conflicted between the 2.

In the, um, *unlikely* event those don't work out, he wants to be a scientist, mathematician, or perhaps a doctor. It's probably one of the most interesting parts of being a parent, seeing where our children end up as adults.