Ok, I was playing around with both my kids, and ended up doing a timed writing test for fun. He had no idea, I was trying to gather information. I had him write the ABC's for a minute to see how many letters per second he could write. He is 11, just turned in October, and was able to write 55 letters per minute. From what I can tell from googling it. This is normal? However, there was a huge range. My 7th grade daughter was able to do 100 plus. I also pulled up some information about pencil grip. He has the four finger grip. I am not sure if this is something that is a problem or not.

There is definitely a visual spacial thing going on with his writing, lack of margins, lots of space between words, large letters, some mix up of lower and upper case, not being able to stay on the line without alot of effort. He also takes a long long time to copy things. However, if I read them to him and he just writes, he does much better. Reading off of one paper and copying on to the other, is an extremely exausting time consuming task for him.

What do you think? Just dyslexia with visual spacial things or possibly some dysgraphia sprinkled in?

I'm trying to pinpoint the "fatigue" thing. They asked me about add and adhd yesterday, but I really don't think he has any of that. I think he is tired and zoned out because of what you describle polarbear. He doesn't know how to even get started with what they want him to do. I had a long conversation with the school about that too. Give him smaller more manageable tasks he can complete and be successful at and built up. Don't say, write this..and wonder why he is daydreaming.