I am struggling with the same question, so know you are NOT alone! In fact I asked my DS's neuropsych the same question at our check-up last month. He didn't really have an answer. My DS (8) with ASD and other issues still struggles tremendously with writing. I don't have an answer for you but primarily wanted you to know that you are not alone.
Right now we continue to work on writing when he is at school-2 afternoons a week-but don't require him to write a lot. Primarily to continue working on his letter formations, spacing, etc. We homeschool the rest of the week, and I scribe or allow him to answer orally 90-95% of the time. I still make him do some writing but very little and it is not a focus. I decided this year I didn't want writing to be what was holding him back from doing more advanced work.
DS is doing VT this school year, and we are hoping that it will help his writing. I am preparing to ask the school district at our spring re-evaluation meeting what accommodations we can explore for DS next year.
I am interested to hear what others on this board have to say on this subject...thanks for asking the question I have been rolling around in my head this school year!

Best wishes to you and your DD!