This is slightly off topic, but I'm not sure where to find out my all look like you might have some ideas for me.

My DD (8) is recently diagnosed 2E with ADD and mild dyslexia. Frankly, I think it's more of a dysgraphia as she has all the symptoms and is "reading" without too much difficulty 2 grades above where she's at. So, my question is this: If dysgraphia doesn't really improve long term with more practice writing, at what age should we start accommodations? I asked her reading specialist (DD is seeing her for lessons in Orton-Gillingham) and she seemed to think I should wait. I'm torn--I don't want her NOT to practice her hand-writing, but it's such a battle every time and she's really going hard-core with her avoidance behaviors (tantrums, constant chattering and topic changing, absolute refusal to write more for the reading specialist, etc). I doubt she's getting much from the practicing at this point, and I keep thinking that if I provide some sort of accommodation it might reduce the overall stress of writing for her. Do you think this might provide too much of a "crutch"?