The classes are grouped by age and the dorms (single-sex) are grouped by class (& therefor by age).
Here's a link to a sample syllabus for Fast-Paced Biology: high school will not give credit for one of the Fast-Paced courses, but the class does satisfy the pre-req for AP courses.
(CTY folks are very accessible -- and helpful -- so don't hesitate to call with questions.)
Unfortunately, due to the limited number of courses available at Podunk High, our son can't really skip the science pre-reqs, as he'd run out of course options. BUT he's still contemplating taking the chemistry or physics next summer just to be prepared. I'm hesitant to encourage that as it would likely make the sloooow pace of regular classes even more frustrating.
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Have your daughter read through the RealCty site for a better sense of the social side of things. Each campus has its own personalities, traditions, etc.
College Confidential is another great place to search for CTY-related discussions. (Not as
awesome as DITD, of course... but still handy.)
The more I've learned about CTY over the years, the more I've wished I knew about it back in the day. The only experiences that came close were student gov't related, but those were only for a few days at a time.