Thanks everyone for your input - mithawk and Dandy, I really appreciate hearing from families who's children are currently attending CTY summer camp smile I also really appreciated the links Dandy.

I have a few more questions:

mithawk, in your dd's Fast-Paced Biology class, was there a good share of lab and project work or was it primarily lecture? The CTY site says it is supposed to be 20 hours per week of lab - is it 40 hours per week of class? 1/2 and 1/2 lab and lecture? Or more lab than lecture?

My ds is also wondering about the age range (he's a bit shy re new situations) - it sounds like they try to pair same-age kids as roommates, but he's wondering about the classes and in the dorms - were their kids from 12-17 all together? Did that work out ok? Or were the kids grouped by age in the dorms?

mithawk, did your dd get high school credit (or did she at least place out of) her local high school biology course for having attended the CTY course?

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions! It's much appreciated smile
