Our schools are rather quiet about the pull-outs they do before G&T and AP in 3rd/4th grade. In fact, the only way I found out DD was IN the earlier pull-out was from what the other parents told me (certain teachers taught it, and certain kids were in it - usually this information came from parents who had older children who had been in the program). Most teachers at the school did not even tell parents where their kids were at in the differentiated curriculum - I've come to believe that they are afraid of the parents' reactions. It is always stressed that any grouping is "flexible" and "subject to change, based on the students' needs." Still, if one researches the school website, grouping for enrichment IS actually briefly discussed on the website.

While I can understand that the schools do not wish to be constantly justifying their decisions, I think what schools have to understand is that a lack of transparency can build mistrust. That being said, I fully support and encourage the school's use of differentiation in its teaching.