my son didn't get admission in North Hills charter school as it is lottery based admission.
I came to realisation that I can't pay for his private school and college tution fee. only the school left is school for Talented and Gifted which mainly considers the local school district students only. If they can't get enough students from their school district then they go for outsiders.

Now he is in relatively a good public school though I heard from my friend that kids play cards in her son's math class and teacher doesn't care about them. the same school has good teachers too. So I think we are settling for this public school.
The best thing I liked here is the parents. Atleast I could able to find some parents who talk about their kids academics. My son has a wonderful friends circle here. Though they are not YS they are in public school gifted program, very talented, hard working and value education.
I wish every state has challenging programs for every kid. My son was very fortunate to have a wonderful teacher who believed in him more than us. When we were in confused state She told us about this YS program. Irrespective of his other elementary school teachers concerns about his grades (it varies depending on teachers weightage for HW), she tested him and brought him to middle school gave lot of flexibily for him. I can't describe about her confidence in my son in words. Now we moved to a new state and miss her.

I really enjoy reading the posts here. hope I will become better in participating discussions too.

Last edited by Jay; 01/25/07 01:07 PM.