Originally Posted by Dude
1) She prefers whole-word recognition as a reading strategy, which is why she "guesses."
So I would tread very carefully before rushing to use the d-word.

I agree with Dude wholeheartedly. My DS who has very high level of reading comprehension guesses at words a lot when reading aloud - this is because he "expects" certain word formations and is used to certain speech patterns and is not exposed to other speech patterns (for example he gets distressed trying to read pirate books with "me hearties, I be goin' " etc) and he is extremely impatient in doing anything that takes time. I have finally got a handle on this situation - when he reads to me, i go in with a pencil and mark each word that he gets wrong and he needs to reread the sentence with the wrong word slowly back to me. And that annoys him enough to slow down and really read the first time instead of guessing.