Epsilon was something I've glanced at a bit, but the pricetag is wow.
Yes, when I first saw the website I was excited, then when I saw the price, I was totally deflated.
http://www.epsiloncamp.org/fees.phpThe good news is that they say they discount the price for households earning under $120k, (i.e. 85% of US households).
http://www.epsiloncamp.org/financial_aid.phpThe bad news is that they say "Up to four students will receive the reduction." meaning they can't possibly be giving everyone a discount according to their own formula "The amount of the fee reduction increases linearly from 0 to $2000 as the total family income decreases from $120000 to $50000".
It looks like the other math camps (e.g. MathPath and MathCamp) offer income based discounts, too.

This definitely makes these more affordable to us, though Epsilon Camp's costs would still add up due to the need for accompanying family members, which are
NOT needed (or allowed) for the middle and high school age campers.