*OT alert*

Hmmm. You seem susceptible to yarn stash addiction. It's a dangerous path. wink There are so many helpful knitting technique videos online and well-written free patterns on www.ravelry.com these days that you no longer need to know something who is willing to teach you or take a class.

Once I got beyond the basics, I got into lace knitting. That really forced me to focus on nothing but on the pattern and my mind was calm and quite for the first time in decades. I plan on teaching DD how to knit as soon as possible and instead of story time before bed which goes on forever, we can have knitting time to slow her mind down. I'm not sure what would work for boys in a similar way.

It's also a lot of fun to knit for you child especially when he is young enough to want to wear what you've made for him. Most older children only want to wear what their peers are wearing so the window is usually rather short. If you're thinking about starting, you should join revelry. Some of the patterns might inspire you. smile