What you describe is still age appropriate. My experience is that it's hard to tease out at this age even for people that are experts at early identification, and particularly for bright kids. I've got two kids with language development quirks. One also has siginificant speech development quirks as well, and was evaluated 4 times, the last two with me specifically asking about dyslexia. I got "send us a postcard when he starts Harvard at 11." And these were the experts in the state. I suspect he's in the same category as my daughter, diagnosed dyslexic at age 9 only after she'd let any phonics skills atrophy. Her remediation was so fast that I now doubt it was dyslexia or stealth dyslexia. Instead, I'm wondering if it was simply developmental or a consequence of massively asynchronous development together with an education system out of sync with her.

My first stop would be for a full audiology exam.