Originally Posted by SAHM
Swimming, music classes, and story time were fails here due to age limits, too much repetition, and unwillingness of adults to leave a script or field questions from a curious toddler. Individual teachers make all the difference though, so definitely recommend others try.

DD is a different child in different classes depending on the teacher and classmates so yes, it's important to find one that is a good fit. In a "boot camp" like environment with older children, my DD is a very serious student and an astute observer but if I take her to an age appropriate class, she's a complete goofball, which I wouldn't mind if it weren't costing us $25 and an hour plus all the effort and time that goes into commuting.

The best thing we've done for her thus far are group dance lesson with a teacher with very high expectations (I'd imagine martial art would work just as well) and private music lesson with a teacher who is a giftie herself. Between practicing dancing and music on top of reading, math, and helping me around the house, DD's day is quite full.