DS2 enjoys these sorts of things...

- Snap circuits
- Magnetic letters and matching pictures we drew together of words for him to spell (bonus: let him colour in the pictures)
- Books, books, books! We easily go through 30 a day, often more.
- Homemade play dough (recipe in this thread: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted.org/BB/ubbthreads.php/topics/167772/Favourite_toddler_media.html)
- Virtually any construction vehicle toy
- Playmobil large playsets (e.g. fire truck)
- A children's balance with weights
- Play kitchen utensils and pots; a tea set
- Schleich animals
- Plastic test tubes and beakers for various "experiments"
- The TV shows "Dinosaur Train" and "Between the Lions"
- YouTube clips of the David Attenborough "Planet Earth" show
- Puzzles
- Helping me cook. We have a step ladder in our kitchen for him to stand on, and I have him help me by stirring, washing vegetables and drying them in a salad spinner, measuring ingredients, grinding pepper, etc. In other words, real jobs. I'm trying to build up his fine motor skills with a butter knife when we play with play dough so that he'll be able to begin cutting soft ingredients safely.
- Gardening-- we have a small pitcher, and I have DS weed and water with me. You can easily discuss the water cycle, plant reproduction and life cycles, food chains, etc. while gardening.

What is to give light must endure burning.