Originally Posted by Percy
Can anyone recommend a good, short resource (article, blog) that I can give to my DS's teacher that explains ADHD in a nutshell especially as it relates to task persistence, impulse control and other executive function deficits.
There is a lot of information available, ranging from short sound-bites to in-depth studies. What you choose to share may depend largely on what you wish to communicate... some of the information available may speak most directly to your child's situation. Other information may seem tried-and-true but you may have already found that it is ineffective in regard to your particular child. The information at some of these links may be useful?
1) http://www.drhallowell.com/add-adhd/adhd-for-teachers/
2) http://www.adhdforteachers.com/
3) http://www.additudemag.com/topic/adhd-learning-disabilities/adhd-teachers.html
4) http://www.helpguide.org/mental/adhd_add_teaching_strategies.htm
5) http://www.helpguide.org/mental/teaching_tips_add_adhd.htm
6) http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/...nd-best-practices-teaching-students-adhd
7) http://www.naset.org/2737.0.html
8) http://www.sandrarief.com/
While these resources have several points in common, there are also statements which differ from each other. In these instances, each resource may be authentic as to reporting what one has found helpful on an anecdotal basis, if not through research studies (which may also vary depending upon many factors not the least of which is the subjects involved).