Hi SAHM. Our son is the same age as yours, and the big eye-opener for me was scheduling observations of the schools.
While most schools say they offer a strong social/emotional curriculum, I observed quite a range of abilities in how teachers both personally modeled and taught those skills. The strongest set of skills I observed in this soc/emo area (our focus for our son) was in a mixed ability preschool on the NE side where nearly a third of my son's class was gifted. Not to imply that this ratio of cohorts is standard for the school, but it pays to search outside of only the gifted schools.
Unfortunately for our situation, Evergreen only offers curricula 1 year advanced of age grade level, and offers differentiation if your child needs more depth on the same material, but not grade or subject acceleration. For someone as extremely asynchronous as our son, we need more flexibility and options if we're going to meet his needs. Certainly not worth $20k+ per year if we're going to have to continue to supplement, although he probably would have a nice cohort of kids - also a very important factor for us. There isn't a perfect solution, but we're just trying to weigh in all the factors and decide the true value of each.
Another school I was impressed with is Woodinville Montessori. There isn't any ceiling on the curricula and I've heard of many gifted children who have had a great experience there; however, the cohorts may or may not be there.
Good luck with your search!