Could somebody tell me what grade level these math skills are?
long division
double digit multiplication
perfect square roots
measuring angles
adding and subtracting fractions with common denominators
My 7 yo is doing 3rd grade math in her G&T class but chooses to do the above items independently. She says that her math lessons are still focusing on adding and subtracting (ie. 3 digits plus 3 digits but doing ballpark estimates because it's Everyday Math). She says she would much rather do division and multiplication.
ETA: the problem she is having in the 3rd grade math with EM are problems such as:
(Show 100 more)
1,903 ______
She also will do double digit subtracting in her head but when asked to solve 85-4 she will use her fingers. So I don't think the teacher will be open to further differentiation.
Last edited by mountainmom2011; 11/05/13 10:37 AM.